This nail polish organizer case has 2 removable bags.
Tools organization sections.
Zippered vinyl material for easy wipe off.
Measures 9 x 10.5 x 12.5 in.
Complimentary shipping on orders over $100 Excludes sale items
Quilted Nail Polish Carrying Case
This nail polish organizer case has 2 removable bags.
Tools organization sections.
Zippered vinyl material for easy wipe off.
Measures 9 x 10.5 x 12.5 in.
Small $6.00 size- smaller than a 5by7 picture frame Medium $10.00 size- smaller than a shirt or shoebox Large $14.00 size -smaller than a microwave X Large $ 20.00 – the size of a recycling bin
Gift wrapping fees include appropriate wrapping paper, ribbon or bows, and a gift tag.
Accepts Debit/Credit Cards
PayPal, Stripe
SSL Certified
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